Painting Repin & quot; Autumn Bouquet & quot; – description

Description of the picture:

Autumn bouquet – Ilya Efimovich Repin. 1892. Oil on canvas. One hundred eleven x sixty five cm

Although the picture is called “Autumn Bouquet”, in fact it is not a still life, but a portrait. It depicts the daughter of the artist Vera Ilyinichna Repin against the backdrop of the landscape – recently acquired by the artist of the estate Zdravnevo.

In the background of the picture is a deep perspective with a far-flung young orchard still retaining green leaves on the branches. In the distance, almost on the horizon, you can see a dark Belarusian forest, obviously with a predominance of conifers, which is reflected in the color – this is a deep green, cold shade that emphasizes the golden shades of foliage.

The girl’s figure is in the foreground of the picture and is clearly visible against the background of a slightly withered grass that has lost its rich green color. She is wearing a combined waist dress with a dark brown printed fabric top and a light skirt with delicate flowers in soft pastel colors. According to the artist’s work, you can clearly feel the father’s love for his daughter. Every detail, even the smallest, is carefully and lovingly written out. Vera Ilyinichna’s dress is decorated with an elegant lace collar of complex curly shape, with a brooch at the throat.

The front of the dress is trimmed with a narrow lace strap with many small round buttons. The same buttons adorn the sleeves of the hands. On the girl’s left хэнд is a large gold bracelet.

The reason for the name of the painting is a large bouquet of autumn flowers – the artist’s daughter holds in her hands in front of her, lowering her flower heads down. This bouquet combines all the characteristic colors typical of autumn – white, yellow and all shades of ocher and orange, red and brown. The same shades are repeated in a small bouquet of several small flowers pinned to the girl’s chest.

The face of Vera Ilyinichna attracts attention – with large expressive Little Russian features, black eyebrows and plump lips. It is very cute and expressive.

The painting was painted with free, even sweeping, but neat strokes, which inadvertently evokes associations with the style of the French impressionists. However, with all the ease of writing, all the details remain fairly clearly designed and understandable."

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