Portrait of Peter III, Alexey Petrovich Antropov – description

Description of the picture:

Portrait of Peter III – Alexey Petrovich Antropov. Canvas, oil. Two hundred fifty x one hundred seventy nine cm

The portrait of Peter III is one of the most famous works of the 18th century artist A.P. Antropov. The painting was ordered by the Supreme Synod, in which the painter served.

Peter III – was the grandson of Peter I and the nephew of Empress Elizabeth. At a young age, the son of Tsarevna Anna and the German Duke arrived in Russia as heir to the throne. Peter became emperor in 1761. He was overthrown by his wife the future Catherine II and, according to one version, was killed in the Ropshinsky castle by the conspirators. The story of his life is tragic, and the reviews about his person have remained mixed.

Portrait of Peter III Antropov executed in the best traditions of ceremonial art. The emperor is surrounded by luxurious surroundings. Marble columns with heavy draperies are located in the background, a window with a battle scene is visible. Not having won a single battle, Peter loved military fun and parades. He considered Frederick of Prussia to be his ideal.

To the right of Peter III is a throne with an ermine mantle. A cocked hat and gloves were thrown carelessly from above – as if the emperor had just entered the room. On the left, on a luxurious table, there is a red velvet pillow with royal attributes of power: a crown, a power, a scepter and a chain with the order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, established by Peter I.

The sovereign himself is depicted to his full height in the form of a Life Guardsman of the Preobrazhensky Regiment with an officer gorget and a silver star on his chest. His pose is full of movement (he really was an energetic man), one leg is advanced forward, his хэнд rests on a marshal’s baton.

Antropov did not flatter the emperor, portraying him truthfully. The figure of Peter is far from greatness – long legs in high treads, protruding belly, narrow shoulders and a small head. But Peter himself approved the portrait. This is confirmed by the fact that a copy of it was ordered by the artist by the Senate. For her, Antropov received a fabulous fee of four hundred rubles at that time.

After the revolution in 1918, the portrait of Peter III was transferred from the abolished Synod to the Russian Museum, where it is still located."

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